Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way

I just saw this on BoingBoing.  Simple but true. 

This image was created by Adam Fields

The people who design government dietary guidelines are gagged by the fact that politics and business are so tightly intertwined in this country.  Their advice will never directly target the primary source of obesity and metabolic dysfunction-- industrially processed food-- because that would hurt corporate profits in one of the country's biggest economic sectors.  You can only squeeze so much profit out of a carrot, so food engineers design "value-added" ultrapalatable/rewarding foods with a larger profit margin.

We don't even have the political will to regulate food advertisements directed at defenseless children, which are systematically training them from an early age to prefer foods that are fattening and unhealthy.  This is supposedly out of a "free market" spirit, but that justification is hollow because processed food manufacturers benefit from tax loopholes and major government subsidies, including programs supporting grain production and the employment of disadvantaged citizens (see Fast Food Nation).

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

Interview on Super Human Radio

Today, I did an audio interview with Carl Lanore of Super Human Radio.  Carl seems like a sharp guy who focuses on physical fitness, nutrition, health and aging.  We talked mostly about food reward and body fatness-- I think it went well.  Carl went from obese to fit, and his fat loss experience lines up well with the food reward concept.  As he was losing fat rapidly, he told friends that he had "divorced from flavor", eating plain chicken, sweet potatoes and oatmeal, yet he grew to enjoy simple food over time.

The interview is here.  It also includes an interview of Dr. Matthew Andry about Dr. Loren Cordain's position on dairy; my interview starts at about 57 minutes.  Just to warn you, the website and podcast are both full of ads.

Rabu, 20 Juli 2011

Weight Gain and Weight Loss in a Traditional African Society

The Massas is an ethnic group in Northern Cameroon that subsists mostly on plain sorghum loaves and porridge, along with a small amount of milk, fish and vegetables (1, 2).  They have a peculiar tradition called Guru Walla that is only undertaken by men (2, 1):
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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Kim Kardashian is a Spokesperson (Again) for a Public Health Issue...Will the Public Buy In This Time?

This afternoon I saw a tweet from Kim Kardashian that read "Recognizing Ovarian Cancer is the 1st step in fighting Ovarian Cancer- please watch and share this video". So my first thought was- "I wonder if this campaign will be more successful than her last?" As you may remember, in December 2010 I blogged about Kim and other celebrities that staged their digital deaths in order to raise money for World AIDS Day. In addition to my concerns about the campaign's design (which included a less than clear cue to action for the audience), its "success" was also questionable because it ended up taking much longer than intended to reach their 1 million dollar goal. So I was quite intrigued to view Kim's newest PSA on YouTube.

The event called "Super Saturday Live" is a collaboration between QVC and the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF). On Saturday, July 30, 2011- designer clothes sold on QVC will be 50% off and the net proceeds will be given to OCRF. The PSA informs the audience that this money is necessary because there is currently no good early detection test for ovarian cancer.

I was pleasantly surprised by the PSA. It didn't feel too long (94 seconds). It kept my interest with minimal and appropriate statistics. For example, instead of scaring the audience, the music was upbeat and focused on the positive- a 92% 5-year survival rate when the cancer is detected early. The PSA also had information presented through both audio and visual channels. Finally (and most importantly)- as an audience member, I knew exactly what I was supposed to do. The cue to action was clear. I was to share the video- "like" it, post it, forward it. And finally, I should tweet about #supersaturday. This way the "trend" can get ahead of ovarian cancer.

In addition to the look and feel of the PSA, I think it is important to discuss the strength and popularity of the chosen spokesperson. Just as I mentioned in December, Kim Kardashian is an obvious choice if you are looking for a huge reach. As of tonight, she had 8,380,553 followers on twitter. The PSA already had 5,965 views on YouTube. However, I have my concerns about her genuine interest in this public health issue. Does she have a personal connection or does she just jump on the bandwagon (like in December) for any way to promote her "brand"? I ask because I have concerns due to how she behaves on her E! show- Keeping Up with the Kardashians. For example, just a few weeks ago on the show, Kim had her butt x-rayed to "prove to the media" that it was real (without butt implants). I watched this episode while on the elliptical machine at the gym and felt enraged. First of all, what type of terrible physician allows his time and resources to be taken up with such nonsense? Also, what type of terrible physician agrees to expose Kim, his patient, to needless radiation to help her prove this point? And how much extra time does she (and her sisters) have on their hands to participate in this silly trip to the doctor? If I were the Executive Director of OCRF, even with her extensive popularity, I doubt that I would choose her for a spokesperson.

So let's all check out Twitter on Saturday, July 30th...let's see if #supersaturday is trending and if Kim's "quantity" of followers can help balance out her sometimes lack of "quality" as a spokesperson.

Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Simple Food: Thoughts on Practicality

Some people have reacted negatively to the idea of a reduced-reward diet because it strikes them as difficult or unsustainable.  In this post, I'll discuss my thoughts on the practicality and sustainability of this way of eating.  I've also thrown in a few philosophical points about reward and the modern world.
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Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Where Are the Helmets in the Home Run Derby?

Last night I returned home from a lovely dinner with my injury prevention colleagues to a sight that really caught me by surprise. My husband was watching the Major League Baseball (MLB) Home Run Derby. I tuned in for a moment before turning to him and asking, "Why aren't they wearing helmets?" I think we are all accustomed to seeing players in their batting helmets, so this looked strange to me- especially in contrast to the catcher, who was dressed in full protective gear. My husband informed me that helmets are not necessary because the pitches are much slower. However- I would disagree (and this is not the first time I have critiqued professional sports and their commitment to protecting players from head injuries).

First of all, concussions (which we must remember are a traumatic brain injury!) do not only occur when the ball is traveling 100 MPH. Therefore, a slower pitch does not equal safety. The catcher still wore full protective gear. The pitcher stood behind protective netting. So on some level it is acknowledged that hazards still exist at the Home Run Derby.

In addition, concussions (or more serious injuries) can happen even when you are not the batter. Therefore, helmets protect you when you are on deck, warming up, or coaching from the sidelines. Home Run Derby participants are still at risk for injury when they are not at bat. This is a lesson that many in baseball know far too well. In 2007, a minor league first base coach was killed when he was hit in the head with a line drive. This tragic accident resulted in a change in policy regarding required head protection for first and third base coaches.

Speaking of policy, I find it strange that their batting helmet practices vary based on the speed of the pitch. This is not an acceptable strategy in other areas of injury prevention, so why is that the strategy here? We don't tell people to only wear seatbelts if they are planning to drive faster than 40 MPH. We don't tell people to only avoid texting and driving if they are on the highway. The MLB seems to be accepting a high level of risk for their players in this context. This is especially surprising since MLB and the MLB Players Association have taken steps to prioritize safety regarding head injuries. They recently implemented a universal concussion policy (which went into effect on Opening Day 2011). The new policy dictates both how concussions are initially treated and when player/umpires are allowed to return to play. The most substantial change is the creation of a 7-day disabled list to allow players an appropriate amount of time to heal after a concussion. They are also introducing reinforced helmets that can withstand 100 MPH fastballs.

While the safety of the players is paramount, this discussion is also important because MLB players are role models. Therefore, it is important that they model acceptance and proper usage of personal protective equipment. If you looked at the stadium crowd at the Derby (and the lucky few invited to catch balls in the outfield), it was mostly kids. If the MLB and the players do not provide leadership on safety policies and equipment, it could have larger public health effects on the audiences that model their behavior (so don't get me started on the chewing tobacco issue).

Therefore, I strongly encourage MLB to review their policies regarding personal protective equipment and the grey "safe" areas they have identified, like the Home Run Derby. It appears to be a relaxed, fun event during the all-star break but in reality, they are unnecessarily putting the safety of their players at risk.

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Cause Fat Loss?

Gastric bypass surgery is an operation that causes food to bypass part of the digestive tract.  In the most common surgery, Roux-en-Y bypass, stomach size is reduced and a portion of the upper small intestine is bypassed.  This means that food skips most of the stomach and the duodenum (upper small intestine), passing from the tiny stomach directly into the jejunum (a lower part of the upper small intestine)*.  It looks something like this:
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Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Liposuction and Fat Regain

If body fat really is actively regulated by the body, rather than just being a passive result of voluntary food intake and exercise behaviors, then liposuction shouldn't be very effective at reducing total fat mass in the long run.  People should return to their body fat "setpoint" rather than remaining at a lower fat mass. 

Teri L. Hernandez and colleagues recently performed the first ever randomized liposuction study to answer this question (1).  Participants were randomly selected to either receive liposuction, or not.  They were all instructed not to make any lifestyle changes for the duration of the study, and body fatness was measured at 6 weeks, 6 months and one year by DXA. 

At 6 weeks, the liposuction group was significantly leaner than the control group.  At 6 months, the difference between the two groups had decreased.  At one year, it had decreased further and the difference between the groups was no longer statistically significant.  Furthermore, the liposuction group regained fat disproportionately in the abdominal area (belly), which is more dangerous than where it was before. The investigators stated:
We conclude that [body fat] is not only restored to baseline levels in nonobese women after small-volume liposuction, but is redistributed abdominally.
This is consistent with animal studies showing that when you surgically remove fat, total fat mass "catches up" to animals that had no fat removed (2).  Fat mass is too important to be left up to chance.  That's why the body regulates it, and that's why any satisfying resolution of obesity must address that regulatory mechanism.

Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part VIII

Further reading

I didn't come up with the idea that excessive food reward increases calorie intake and can lead to obesity, far from it.  The idea has been floating around the scientific literature for decades.  In 1976, after conducting an interesting diet study in humans, Dr. Michel Cabanac stated that the "palatability of the diet influences the set point of the ponderostat [system that regulates body fatness]" (1).  

Currently there is a growing consensus that food reward/palatability is a major contributor to obesity. This is reflected by the proliferation of review articles appearing in high-profile journals.  For the scientists in the audience who want more detail than I provide on my blog, here are some of the reviews I've read and enjoyed.  These were written by some of the leading scientists in the study of food reward and hedonics:

Palatability of food and the ponderostat.  Michel Cabanac, 1989.
Food reward, hyperphagia and obesity.  Hans-Rudolf Berthoud et al., 2011.
Reward mechanisms in obesity: new insights and future directions.  Paul J. Kenny, 2011.
Relation of obesity to consummatory and anticipatory food reward.  Eric Stice, 2009.
Hedonic and incentive signals for body weight control.  Emil Egecioglu et al., 2011.
Homeostatic and hedonic signals interact in the control of food intake.  Michael Lutter and Eric J. Nestler, 2009.
Opioids as agents of reward-related feeding: a consideration of the evidence.  Allen S. Levine and Charles J. Billington, 2004.
Central opioids and consumption of sweet tastants: when reward outweighs homeostasis.  Pawel K. Olszewski and Allen S. Levine, 2007.
Oral and postoral determinants of food reward.  Anthony Sclafani, 2004.
Reduced dopaminergic tone in hypothalamic neural circuits: expression of a "thrifty" genotype underlying the metabolic syndrome?  Hanno Pijl, 2003.

If you can read all these papers and still not believe in the food reward hypothesis... you deserve some kind of award.